The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #96937   Message #1901125
Posted By: MuddleC
05-Dec-06 - 07:42 PM
Thread Name: I walked out of session
Subject: RE: I walked out of session
There used to be a monthly session at a pub in Church Gresley (Derbyshire) , where the landlord used to switch both the juke-box, and one-armed bandit off during a session. If that wasn't enough, he also produced some free pitchers of beer!!!!

Sadly, the landlord went elsewhere, and the new one made such a racket juggling bottles , washing glasses and depositing empties in the plastic refuse bucket from 5ft away, that we finally decided 'too much background noise', and we didn't go back.

The replacement pub in Worthington (Leicestershire) provides sandwiches, and a small glass of schnapps for every performer.... although I think a few sneak in for a free schnapps!-the landord even joins in on his guitar!

-if you don't enjoy the session where it is ..move it

Another weekly venue in Leicestershire provides sandwiches for the darts team and dominoes team, but we don't even get a packet of pork scratchings!... at lesat the 'musak' gets switched off... but you wouldn't believe the noise that can be generated by the relatively simple act of domino shuffling in the other bar!!

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