The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #96092   Message #1901677
Posted By: ard mhacha
06-Dec-06 - 01:55 PM
Thread Name: BS: Britain tops the yobs league
Subject: RE: BS: Britain tops the yobs league
Adele Eastman the fiancee of murdered lawyer Tom ap Rhys Pryce, moved the nation when she described her sadness in a statement to the Judge who sentenced two young killers to jail.
Donnel Carty 19, sentenced to 21 years, is said to have smirked, and 18 year old Delano Brown, jailed for 17 years, rolled his eyes on apparent boredom as Adele`s words were read to the Old Bailey by a barrister.

Anew report suggests street robbers often catty out their vicious crimes to boost their street cred or motivated by a sheer desire to fight.

The study, includes interviews with 120 offenders- a third of whom have been arrested more than 50 times- and found street culture can be a far more important factor in such crimes that financial gain.

The reports authors -one of whom is Professor Trevor Bennett director of the University of Glamorgan`s centre for criminology- discovered that one element in the excitement felt by the violent offenders comes from overpowering the victim and obtaining dominance.

"It`s for the fun, `cos the point of street robbery is to get them to fight back, innit", said one criminal.

Will future generations wonder why our current climate tolerated such a state of affairs? and what reasons will they offer for such acceptance.

Have we become beaten into submission by a political atmosphere which suggests any sort of hard line is a form embarrassingly untrendy discipline which smacks too much of right-wing conservatism?.

How much longer can society ignore what is happening on the streets and those inclined to adopt a "liberal" stance write off as "hysterical" anyone who suggests, we are heading for a more serious breakdown of law and order?

An "I`m all right Jack" attitude fails us all- not least because the tragic death of Tom ap Rhys Pryce has shown now anyone can have, as the Old Bailey judge said "the grave misfortune to be in the wrong place at the wrong time".

The above from Catherine Jones, Western Mail, on the National Website of Wales.

She is not my sister.