The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #96804   Message #1901867
Posted By: GUEST,Voice of Sanity
06-Dec-06 - 05:16 PM
Thread Name: RIAA wants the Internet shut down
Subject: RE: RIAA wants the Internet shut down
>>This is why I don't bother to offer "solutions" to geezers like you.<<

Don Firth has it right. GUEST doesn't bother to answer the question because he doesn't have an answer. As usual, his only response is to fling insults, like calling Firth "geezer" and "freak." Firth asks a reasonable question and it deserves an answer. But it will never be forthcoming because GUEST wants it all to happen. The general thrust of GUEST's rhetoric is "All of you people who don't agree with what I saying are going to get yours when the totalitarian world government takes over, and I will be glad, glad, glad! When that happens, THEN you'll wish you had listened to me!"

This is not any different the evangelical Christian who looks forward to people going to Hell if they don't believe what he believes. Belief in Hell is a great comfort to people like that.