The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #96623   Message #1904686
Posted By: Little Hawk
09-Dec-06 - 02:34 PM
Thread Name: BS: anger - addictive?
Subject: RE: BS: anger - addictive?
I've personally known a number of people who were addicted to anger. My father and my grandmother and my mother's friend Helen, for example. Some radio talk shows hosts, obviously. Some newspaper columnists. An addiction is simply an overuse of something which is normal if you don't overuse it. You know a person is addicted to anger when they get angry a lot more frequently than is normal or appropriate, and when that starts to make them ineffective at relating sensibly to other people.

Why do they do it? Because it makes them feel powerful, and it makes them feel righteous, and it makes them feel RIGHT. And that makes them feel "good" (although it makes everyone around them feel like shit...). They also do it because they are afraid that they might not be able to control the situation unless they use their anger to force the issue. They want control.

Addictions are an out-of-balance situation. People who get angry more often than they should and dump it on other people are out of control of themselves. Their efforts to secure control through anger are an instinctive response to their lack of it.

Yes, you can get addicted to many forms of emotional behaviour...and anger is just one of them.