The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #96937   Message #1905030
Posted By: SINSULL
09-Dec-06 - 10:37 PM
Thread Name: I walked out of session
Subject: RE: I walked out of session
OK Kendall. Here is the explanation.
When one can not get attention for one's accomplishments, one chooses to use foul language, lash out with imbecilic nonsense, and then declare either that you misunderstood or they don't care what you think.
You, of course, are accomplished, world famous, incredibly sexy, and beloved by people whose opinion counts. Therein lies the rub.
The insecure among us justify their own existence by trying to convince the forum (and themselves) that you are out of date, out of music, and arrogant. Those who know you are amused at these comments.
Instead of arguing with the sound and the fury, pity it and move on. You are better than this petty crap.
You are loved and treasured. Enjoy it.

As for walking out of a session - when the smoke and noise get to be too much, I go. A session is not a paying gig, though. Kendall, I know you have walked out of circles and sessions when the noise or the rudeness is just too much. Have you ever walked off a stage? Or out of a paying gig?
Just curious.