The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #67364   Message #1905124
Posted By: gecko
10-Dec-06 - 02:31 AM
Thread Name: BS: for those going through Hard Times
Subject: RE: BS: for those going through Hard Times
I came across this thread quite by accident but am so glad I did. Many posts, but particularly those from Pedro seemed to be speaking just to me - however I'm also reminded that though I am in a level place right now, that black pit is always there, just waiting. My mantra for the bad times is that 'this too, will pass', just have to hang on and try to keep a fingernail hold on sanity. I know that I'm coming out of it when my thoughts thankfully turn away from me, me, me and begin to encompass the world again and the loving people in it, without whose help and support I would be lost.

I believe the looming season of supposedly 'festive cheer' will plunge many sufferers into deep depression and perhaps the most Christmassy and kindly deed we can perform is to make sure our friends know that we care about them.

