The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #18872   Message #190541
Posted By: MK
06-Mar-00 - 04:44 PM
Thread Name: Musician vs Someone-who-plays-music
Subject: RE: BS: Musician vs Someone-who-plays-music
Frodo, you sure you don't work for the American Federation of Musicians? They have the same criterion as you, as far as accepting new members and taking their dues money. *BG* (kidding) Just because someone might be a ''union'' musician does not mean they're any good at what they do.

I really think it comes down to standards. To include as many people as possible under the category of musician implies a very loose standard of what constitutes a real musician --but alienates far fewer people. Then again who sets and defines the standards? Peers? Our friends? Our relatives? Ourselves?

It's kind of a circular argument.

As an analogy, if I write:

Roses are red
Violets are blue
I may not be Shakespeare
But neither are you.

..does this make me a poet? In the loosest standard imaginable, yeah okay...but not really.

Do you know what I mean?