The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #96623   Message #1905415
Posted By: Big Mick
10-Dec-06 - 12:45 PM
Thread Name: BS: anger - addictive?
Subject: RE: BS: anger - addictive?
Nice fishing expedition. Actually, you just show your ignorance, arrogance, and paranoia. You are so sure that there is no correct opinion on any subject but yours that you can't accept that there are many here who see you for the loony, self centered, all mouth-no substance, person that you are.

Let's get one thing straight. I have never logged off and posted as a GUEST. I have posted occasionally as a GUEST when I wasn't at my own computer, but I always ID'ed myself. I have no need to hide my identity and I will always take the credit/blame for my posts. So I reiterate, I have never posted under anything other than my own identity.

So take your bullshit back to the opera, or on one of your trips to Puerto Vallarta. Sip a nice tequila drink and shower the unenlightened with your horseshit about what is wrong with the world. Who knows, they might make you the Sage of the world. In your mind you are there already, so it is but a short leap. Or better yet......crawl back under your rock. Just because you need to hide in multiple identities and act in dishonorable ways, just because you are a deluded, self agrandizing, conspiracy nut, does not mean that the rest of us are.

If you ever need to find me, just look for my name.

I found this post as I was scanning for spam posts, so I guess I will go and read the rest of the thread now. I am sure Ryan Matriot MN Monster will figure prominently in it.
