The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #96623   Message #1905444
Posted By: Big Mick
10-Dec-06 - 01:24 PM
Thread Name: BS: anger - addictive?
Subject: RE: BS: anger - addictive?
Janet, that was a very nice try. Won't work.

First off, a few corrections. You didn't kick anyone's ass on the Memorial Day thread. You just showed yourself for the nasty person you are. You had very little support. And the funny thing about it was that many of your ideas and points had merit. But your nasty and self centered way just turned folks off. Over the years you have become known as a conspiracy nut who uses off the wall cites to make points that everyone can see as loony.

I don't care if you believe me as to the fact that I never post anonymously. I will leave that to the jury of my peers. Especially those that know me. I will let them decide for themselves as to my credibility when I tell you, and them, that I never post anonymously. Rick asked me years ago if I ever did that. I told him nope, and I still don't. I will acknowledge what I say. You should try it some time.

Actually, I agreed with Lepus when he said I needed to back off. I realized that he was right, in that I was pursuing your posts. You see, even though I consider many of his opinions incorrect, I have respect for Lepus. He is always out front, willing to take responsibility for what he says. And so when he said that, I did some examination and found merit in his words.

I don't pursue your posts these days. But I will hold you accountable for the positions you take when I see them. I don't mind telling you and everyone here, that I dislike what you stand for intensely. If I see something I will respond. But when I see someone like Don Firth whipping your butt so very nicely as he has lately, I just read, enjoy, and move on.

By the way, your attempts to use "hot button" issues to elicit anger didn't work. It just shows desperation.

I had no intention of getting in this thread, only spotted it while I was doing a daily "spam" scan. Spam is produced only by GUESTS, so I just scan all GUEST posts to find it. This problem will be solved by members only posting. That will end the problem, and will leave mod's to other more important duties.

So don't get all puffed up over yourself there, kid. I rarely look for your posts these days, and only respond when there is something I think needs responding to.

Have a nice day, sweetie.
