The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #96623   Message #1905510
Posted By: GUEST
10-Dec-06 - 02:27 PM
Thread Name: BS: anger - addictive?
Subject: RE: BS: anger - addictive?
In order to "reveal one's true colors" one first has to be trying to conceal them, no?

See here is the thing. The identity game is something you eejits give a shit about, not me.

It is obvious the label "guest, memyself" is being used by more than one person.

That is an MO of a few notorious Mudcat members, who routinely use several guest identities to attack people they dislike. This game has been going on since before even I arrived on the scene, and will continue even after "members only" posting is initiated (if it ever is).

There is also a reason why Mick Lane invokes the most beloved Mudcat member of all time, who is, conveniently for Mick in this case, unable to speak for himself.

Rick Fielding suspected Mick Lane of playing the much beloved Mudcat multiple personality game--for a very good reason.

And don't worry, most folks around here always feel like they have to apologize to Mick Lane. That is because he is the biggest bully on the block.

Carry on with your sucking up to yer own bad meself selves now, boys.