The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #96623   Message #1905755
Posted By: Slag
10-Dec-06 - 06:50 PM
Thread Name: BS: anger - addictive?
Subject: RE: BS: anger - addictive?
I do make exceptions for others who post but do not observe proper grammar, spelling and form.*   I was under the impression that this was an informal forum where the participants thought on the fly and more or less followed a stream of consciousness and implyed humor here and there to keep the friendly nature of the thing alive.

    I see now that I was wrong. I must thank GUEST for pointing out to me the error of my ways. I shall henceforth endeavor to be as presise and correct in all aspects of the English language. I will also expect the same from every other person alike, both members and non-members. GUEST has demonstrated to me that form easily trumps factual statement, analysis and logic. I stand corrected.**

* The reader may have note the lack of the comma before the word "and" in this list and again in the penultimate sentence in the last paragraph. Grammarians differ of this usage. Some hold that each item in a list should be separated by a comma and others ( to which I subscribe) feel that the "and" takes the place of the comma. Perhaps this may be fodder for another thread but I sincerely hope that my usage here does not negate your thoughtful consideration of the foregoing. Copyrighted 2006

** I have just detected a problem with the website which now I feel may compromise all previous postings! The program will not let me indent for the initial paragraph! Oh! What will we do? What will we do?