The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #96623   Message #1905818
Posted By: Little Hawk
10-Dec-06 - 07:40 PM
Thread Name: BS: anger - addictive?
Subject: RE: BS: anger - addictive?
Well, Slag, apparently our Guest couldn't read it. Too difficult without the breaks. is is again with breaks put in, just for you, Guest! ;-)

I'll probably draw a lot of fire for this but...


LOL and etc.

What a great debate for this thread. No personal attacks here. And Q.E.D. Addiction is a compulsion, a compulsory, often ritualistic behavior.

There are physical addictions as with nicotine or narcotics and there are psychological addictions of which anger may be one. There are also psychoneural conditions such as OCD that resemble addiction but are treatable with certain drugs and psychotherapy.

The hallmark of an addiction is the person's inability to alter or stop the behavior. Denial is often central to the continuation of the addiction. The sufferer sees himself and his behavior as "normal" and will marshall rationalizations and argument to support his view.

This also often incorporates a social support system that aids and abets the denial and smooths over any of the destructiveness the behavior may cause. It is the basis for the concept of dysfunction. Those who do not share in the dysfunction will instinctively or knowingly avoid the addict and his enablers which tends to isolate and intensifiy the problem.

In severe cases the addicted person drives off his support resources and "hits bottom". This is usually the make or break moment where the person must either confront the addictive behavior or be lost forever to it. If it is chemical dependence, said chemistries will destroy their physical life. If it is "rage," assualt and battery charges may be in the offing and the criminal justice system becomes the confronting "bottom' and if realization does not take place there are prisons for warehousing angry young (and old) men. That is , if someone doesn't shoot them in self defense first.

There are a lot of worthy tomes out there on this subject and its NOT pop-psychology. There is a lot of common sense and logic at work here and if YOU rale against the notion, you might ask yourself, what it is that you are trying to avoid.