The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #96623   Message #1905829
Posted By: Big Mick
10-Dec-06 - 07:49 PM
Thread Name: BS: anger - addictive?
Subject: RE: BS: anger - addictive?
I just can't stay away. GUEST keeps drawing me back with this amazing show of intellect. I have learned a couple of things.

You see, MN, that is your problem. You are so lost in your anger and real rage, toss in a huge amount arrogance as well, that you think everyone here is stupid and incapable of their own ability to discern fact from bullshit. You honestly believe that if they don't agree with you, then they must be dumbass, delusional fools. I don't. More than once they have brought me up short, and made me realize an error of my ways. Other times we have agreed. I respect folks opinions. You do only when they agree with you.

And that is why you are a poster child for the subject of this thread. And one with a long, traceable history.

OK, I really am out of here now.
