The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #97110   Message #1906482
Posted By: autolycus
11-Dec-06 - 12:40 PM
Thread Name: Debating with deniers
Subject: Debating with deniers
A very inflammatory conference is being organised in
Iran to deny that the Holocaust or Shoah ever happened,
apparently as a way of testing Western ideas of free speech.

   Is there anywhere where one can safely debate the denial
with deniers? safely in the sense of being able to debate
without having to fear for oneself.

   I realise,of course, that doing so could well be a total
waste of time and effort (even more than contributing to
our very own 'closed threads' - er - thread.)

It is worrying, as well, that there are so many in the
world who know nothing about what happened in Germany,
and ignorance is fertile ground onto which denials and
conspiracy theories fall and flourish
