The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #96970   Message #1906493
Posted By: Greg B
11-Dec-06 - 12:52 PM
Thread Name: Remember Pearl Harbor
Subject: RE: Remember Pearl Harbor
Of course as we luxuriate in the 20/20 hindsight of self-loathing,
we must remember that none of these terrible things would have
happened had the Japanese Empire not sought to impose their
hegemony upon the entire Pacific Basin.

It is convenient to forget at all of these things--- from internment
camps to Hiroshima--- were a response of a people desperately trying
to protect themselves against another people (actually an entire
Axis of peoples) bent upon the destruction of all which they held
as dear and valuable.

Insert that situation into a world where views of race and
nationality were not nearlly as 'sophisticated' as we like
to think of our own being (or at least not pushed as far beneath
the surface). The result was things like the internment camps, along
with a certain suspicion of both Germans (including Jews) and
Italians during the war.

Fortunately, we now know better and Arabs don't have to deal with
that here, today, now do they?

I will not claim that the internment camps were the right thing to

But I will point out that this sort of incessant critique
what was done by the Allies in pursuit of the right, usually
by individuals who were not there but managed to benefit enormously
from the Allies' success, is more than a little tiresome.

(And, by the way, while my Uncle Vince was fighting for his adopted
country in the Pacific, the Navy came and took his little property
on Silver Strand beach, which would now be worth a couple of million,
to expand Port Hueneme, in contravention of the fact that it was
illegal to exercise eminant domain in such a way on a citizen
soldier, except that it turns out that he was a British subject
at the time, albeit raised in the US and serving as a volunteer
in the 116th Army Combat Engineers. Somehow, our 'reparations'
seem to have gotten lost in the mail. On the other hand, I was
not required to be schooled in Japanese in elementary school
in California.)