The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #95352   Message #1907669
Posted By: My guru always said
12-Dec-06 - 03:46 PM
Thread Name: BS: Secret Santa Clues and Nudges
Subject: RE: BS: Secret Santa Clues and Nudges
Dear Elffish Pressently,
Many thanks for all your hard work on my behalf, I really have been very impressed (and also quite flummoxed) by your words and storyline over the past weeks. Your story has been a present in itself, for which I also thank you.

I'm sure you tried hard to give me all the right clues to track down my Secret Santa, but alas, I appear to have failed in my quest and so, I have also failed you. My apologies for this lack.

Be assured that I do still believe in my Own Dear Secret Santa (and yourself of course), and that I have been very, very good recently, though I am starting to fray a little around the edges and will soon revert to normal I'm sure...

Wishing you & all others who are working so hard on behalf of their Santees a relaxing and joyful Christmas/Yule!