The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #97036   Message #1907674
Posted By: The Shambles
12-Dec-06 - 03:49 PM
Thread Name: BS: Closed threads & deleted posts (2)
Subject: RE: BS: Closed threads & deleted posts (2)
If you can find one - that would be your peer to whom we would have to compare treatment.

but there is no other like you.

Yes MMario - That is really the point.

There is no one who has recieved the kind of treatment from our 'moderators' that can compare with the special treatment that our forum has had to watch being imposed and attempted to be justified on my postings.

Certainly no one who has supported our forum for so long.

And why is this? Have I posted abusively and called my fellow posters childish names or been seen to respond in kind to the many I am subjected to and not protected from?

All posters will probaly know I have been publicly judged not to be a nice person - by the current Chief of the Mudcat Editing Team. Some poster may wonder exactly what terrible things I have done to deserve this. And why no evidence of these terrible things are provided?

My 'crime' is to try and demonstrate the reality of what 'moderation' on our forum has come to be. To enable our forum to discuss if all this is proportionate - and from an informed position - when certain others seem to think that they have some right to prevent this. They also seriously seem to think there will not be a reaction to this.

That is not to say that others posters have not suffered from this unfair treatment (and certain favoured posters benefitted from it) - but my intention is to try and ensure that all posters should have the right to see their words remain as posted (except in the most extreme cases).

You may not agree with my views - but perhaps it can finally be accepted that all posters (even me) have the right to express their views - without their worth being seen to judged, without being called names , without being seen to be generally abused and without 'moderators' abusing their privileged positions and their powers in personally motivated witch-hunts?

What is the point of our 'moderators' making assurances if they are seen not to be honoured? Why pretend that 'moderation' on our forum is something all posters can clearly see that it is not?

Is it really too much for posters to expect that any assurances given to our form by our 'moderators' to always be seen to be honoured and to expect that all posters are seen to receive fair and equal treatment?

For if it really is too much - the result is that no 'moderator' will ever have any credibility when dealing with anyone who demonstrates this reality - rather than the pretence. This pretence compromises us all.

With the encouragement seen in this thread to be given by the current Chief of the Mudact Editing Team for certain favoured posters to contribute only name-calling, offensive language and abusive posts - how can any other offender be censured for the same offence?

And what of those posters who are currently banned for exactly this?

If you do not find this subject or this thread interesting - then please leave it to those who are prepared to tip-toe through the posted spam, assorted recipes and the childish insults that are encouraged to be posted here - to try and sensibly discuss it?