The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #97144   Message #1907684
Posted By: Mr Red
12-Dec-06 - 03:54 PM
Thread Name: Maglan's Xmas Message
Subject: Maglan's Xmas Message
I received a card today from her and this is what she said:

Dear friends
It was good to see you all, during my stay in the UK this year. Sorry I did not get to se everyone, better luck next time. It's sunny here today, altho' the weather has changed lately and I wear a woolly in the evening. The whole world seems to be changing. Please convery my kind regards to all out friends around the Folk circuit; I just haven't had time to write to everyone this year as I've been so busy sinvce I got back caring for another member of the family. Have a very Happy Christmas and do write sometime.