The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #97154   Message #1907945
Posted By: GUEST
12-Dec-06 - 08:14 PM
Thread Name: BS: WMDs in the Middle East
Subject: BS: WMDs in the Middle East
JERUSALEM (AP) - A slip of the tongue by Prime Minister Ehud Olmert about Israel's nuclear policy ballooned into a domestic crisis Tuesday for the Israeli leader, who came under criticism from across the political spectrum.

In an interview with a German television station broadcast Monday, Olmert appeared to list Israel among the world's nuclear powers, violating the country's long-standing policy of not officially acknowledging that it has atomic weapons....

So, if our criteria for invading in the Middle East is to deny dangerous nations nuclear weapons and such, and Israel just bombed the crap out of Lebanon, and now they admit they have nukes, shouldn't we be gearing up to thump Israel instead of Iran? Someone help me out on this.