The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #97036   Message #1907984
Posted By: Bill D
12-Dec-06 - 09:41 PM
Thread Name: BS: Closed threads & deleted posts (2)
Subject: RE: BS: Closed threads & deleted posts (2)
"Would it not be more sensible for posters to simply ignore threads that are so obviously not to their taste?" would not. Except for the past couple of months when editing & restrictions have been used to limit it to (mostly) this thread, it was likely to discover many, many other threads diverted and hijacked by your attempts to insert your Quixotic crusade! Even today, the occasional newcomer ventures in and become curious why ONE poster has spent this amount of time complaining about the rules, management and supposed 'unfairness' of both.
   Just as Spam is distracting, porn is distracting, and extreme political arguments are distracting, so also incessant complaining is distracting.....and when, several times in the past, EVERYONE avoided arguing, avoided name-calling, avoided explaining and generally avoided responding at all...YOU kept posting, slipping remarks into various threads, working hard to RE-incite the 'debate'.
    That did not go unnoticed, and what you got was what you knew you'd get...more of the same...thus, I suppose, proving your ambiguous point!
    You now have several levels of complaints....those about editing in general, those about who DOES the editing, those about the responses TO your other complaints which you feel are 'personal', and those about the supposed 'favoritism' given to those who DO respond.
   Pretty soon, it all feeds back on itself, and you have a self-reinforcing hypothesis where anything you do gets responses that you can then claim are in one of the categories. "Righteous Indignation" gone berserk!

And NOWHERE do you show any signs of understanding that incessant criticism of the way things are done IS the cause of most of the crap you are dealt. Even if you, personally, never "stoop to name calling", you cast serious aspersions on several members and moderators and question their judgment, fairness and reason. That WILL get remarks!

   99% of all this could stop almost instantly if YOU, Roger, would just shrug, quit complaining, and allow the forum to be managed the way it is intended, without copy & paste of old, off-the-cuff, ambiguous remarks by Max which you twist to suggest that Joe & the mods are NOT doing things like Max wishes!

   This whole thread has become a diversion in itself, like standing on a bridge and watching rush hour traffic and wondering why it is so tedious! You have become a fetish form of entertainment instead of your notion of a 'voice of reason'.
   It won't CAN'T work... but you have your soul invested in pretending that it 'might' work, if only **everyone** would come round and follow your 27 part plan.

.............yeah, I did say I was gonna quit this didn't I? Who knows, maybe I really will.