The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #97036   Message #1908106
Posted By: The Shambles
13-Dec-06 - 02:24 AM
Thread Name: BS: Closed threads & deleted posts (2)
Subject: RE: BS: Closed threads & deleted posts (2)
How can the same few noisy poster who post to complain that another posters is repeating themselves actually know this?

They can only do this if they insist on opening and studying the very threads they claim to be worthless and which irritate them so.

Why would they keep on doing this - rather than simply ignore threads on subjects that irritate them?

And if the very worst that could be said about my posting is that it may be considered irritating - that is not the case for the many others that are now encoraged to be posted on our forum which are intentional insulting and offensive (and pointless). Theses are posted in clearly titled threads by certain favoured posters, in an attempt to prevent my posting.

Is it really thought that after all this time of being subjected to just about every personal judgement of my worth, every concievable insult, being called every name under the sun and diagnosed of all possible metal conditions - that I am bothered by such things.

I am only bothered to the extent that such posts are posted by and encouraged to be posted by those who have editing buttons in order (so our forum is assured) to protect us from such things. And that our forum is encouraged to be littered with such things.

But the fact that such thngs are seen to be permitted and openly encouraged by our 'moderators' - really only proves that the double standards - that I am subjected to all this - for trying to demonstrate to our forum and to eable our forum to discuss - are very much a fact.

Perhaps posters to this thread would care to address this fact - or just ignore the thread?

The really sad thing about encouraging public witch-hunts against certain individual named posters is that this then becomes the distraction and like all 'mobs' once unleashed - will be seen to become out of control.

When it is generally accepted that posters have a right to express their view (yes even again and again) - and no one else is being forced to read or respond to it - what else is there to say?

In the thousands of words posted here that try to justify these attempts - quite a lot. But should any notice be taken of such words?

It is my view that any 'moderation' should be seen to be enabling this right - and not seen to be eroding this right.