The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #97036   Message #1908257
Posted By: Wolfgang
13-Dec-06 - 06:43 AM
Thread Name: BS: Closed threads & deleted posts (2)
Subject: RE: BS: Closed threads & deleted posts (2)
Now I find it interesting when posters seem to find something strange in trying to post one's honest views for 6 years (Shambles)

Honest? That's about the last word that comes to my mind about your posts to this theme. You have never been honest to us about the motives for your campaign. Too many of your posts in particular those about the motives are obvious lies. You do not call people names openly, but you do everything you can to give the impression that they deserve to be called so. Someone who honestly posts a differing opinion even with using strong words would be much easier to tolerate. I fear that you are not only dishonest to us but but also to yourself.

Could we make a deal, Shambles? You promise that you'll never post anything about this vendetta in other threads than this one (or its sequel). In turn, I promise that I'll never again open this thread (hard to control by you) and never more post to this thread (easy to control).
