The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #97036   Message #1908290
Posted By: The Shambles
13-Dec-06 - 07:45 AM
Thread Name: BS: Closed threads & deleted posts (2)
Subject: RE: BS: Closed threads & deleted posts (2)
You may have thought that if a poster was pointing out what they considered to be unfair treatment by our 'moderators' their response would be to try their best to demonstrate to our forum that this was not the case.

Not the 'moderators' on our forum.

The current Chief of the Mudcat Editing team just publicly confrims this unfair treatment as a fact - as in the following post - then goes on to attempt to justify this unfair treatment.....

Date: 08 Dec 06 - 02:04 PM

Well, I used to give you equal treatment, Shambles - but you kept badgering me about that being repressive censorship.
So, you got what you asked for. Catspaw can say what he likes about you, until such time as you stop your incessant campaign against the way we do things here. You are not a nice person, Shambles. Do not expect to be treated nicely.

This then compromises everyone on our forum. Especially those who are honestly supporting the 'moderation' as being fair - as they are assured by our 'moderators' that it is fair and are currently prepared to take this on trust. And incredibly would still seem to.

Special restriction are seen to be placed on certain posters for simply trying to post whilst another favoured poster is openly encouraged by the current Chief of the Mudcat Editing Team to post obscene and abusive posts quite intentionally, in an attempt to prevent others from posting.

The sort of posts that other posters would be censured for and indeed which one has been entirely banned from our forum for.

I see nothing nice in such open displays of hypocrisy and nothing nice in posters being seen to support it - even if it is just by saying nothing.

More importantly it makes our forum look bad and reveals its so-called 'moderation' to be nothing more than online group bullying and provides nothing but ammunition for this forum's few real detractors.