The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #18972   Message #190873
Posted By: Callie
06-Mar-00 - 11:51 PM
Thread Name: BS: Share Your Peak Musical Experiences?
Subject: RE: BS: Share Your Peak Musical Experiences?
I once playing a large-ish gig with my quartet, attended by lots of musicians I respect. My group supported a group I similarly respect. We played the best we've ever played and we were on an absolute high. We thought we were the greatest.

THEN we set off for the second 'gig' of the night, singing Timorese songs for a group of Timorese people holding an all night vigil on the night the elections were held in Timor. The performance held such a deep significance for the people there, to hear us singing their own songs in their language, in a country which had historically inflicted much injustice. There was lots of crying and a strong feeling of community. We were thanked profusely and treated like royalty, while we ourselves felt acutely embarassed at being praised so highly for having done such a small thing that was so easy for us.

The significance of that event really put the evening's previous performance - and much of what music's all about - into perspective. It was not exactly a happy merry event, but definitely the most significant musical expereince for me.
