The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #97154 Message #1908971
Posted By: Adrianel
13-Dec-06 - 08:42 PM
Thread Name: BS: WMDs in the Middle East
Subject: RE: BS: WMDs in the Middle East
Bodad: If the US were to change its foreign policy from support for Israel mo matter what they do to one that is even slightly even-handed, it would be a great help. It would also make the US much less unpopular in the Middle East (not to mention Europe, South Asia &c.). Do you believe that blind support for Israel by the US government actually achieves anything constructive (apart from getting them the jewish vote at election time)? I suspect (cynic that I am) that fear of losing the Irish vote was the main reason no action was taken about US support for IRA terrorism for more than 30 years, while we had a couple of car bombs each week in London.