The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #18957   Message #190944
Posted By: Bob Bolton
07-Mar-00 - 01:05 AM
Thread Name: Origins: Etymology of Taps?
Subject: RE: Etimology of Taps?
G'day (he says, skipping jokes about the last post[ing],

It's worth remembering that all the bugle calls are based on a major chord, all that you can play on a simple trumpet with no valves or holes. (OK ... I know that this is not true ... for some talented players, but we are talking about the Army!) All the bugle calls are written in this harmonic series: 3 notes, maybe 2 octaves - a total of 7 separate notes.

Bugle calls are first and foremaost signals for a noisy battlefield. They are meant to be simple and memorable - and recognisable over a confused din. "Taps" is (as I hear it) an elaboration of the "Last Post" - a little up beat, a little busier ... a natural Americanisation of the older call?


Bob Bolton