The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #97100   Message #1909585
Posted By: akenaton
14-Dec-06 - 01:56 PM
Thread Name: BS: Looks like another 'Ripper' out there.
Subject: RE: BS: Looks like another 'Ripper' out there.
Mr Red.... To an addict, death holds no horrors.
Its is knowing that the next fix is not on the table that scares the shit out of them.

As far as female prostitutes are concerned, many have a child or children and are afraid that these children will be removed from them if they admit to addiction.

In most cases it is addiction to drugs that causes young girls to endanger themselves on the streets, and it is a disgrace that no government has made any real attempt to address the problems.

This sad story of some psychotic killer, probably "receiving care in the community"....which really means fuck all supervision with medication or the progress of their illness, is typical of governments attitude to drug abuse and mental health in general.

In our area we now have children of twelve and thirteen couriering drugs and selling themselves to feed their parents addiction.

Sometimes I despair of the human race...In reality we care about nothing but what affects us personally.
Thatcher and Blair have done a good job in turning thinking caring people into mindless morons.....Ake