The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #3684   Message #19097
Posted By: Bert
12-Jan-98 - 09:54 AM
Thread Name: what if...?
Subject: RE: what if...?
What if...?

It already happened once and the music that resulted was Country Music.

Jimmie Rodgers took what was folk music at the time and became the first real Pop star.

Commercialization is no worse now than it was then.

They set up a recording studio around his death bed to record his last six songs and after he died they even had his widow record "As the Evening Shadows Fall"

Country music is of course no worse than any other genre.
If you listen to the radio to "any" specific music you will find the same thing. About one or two good pieces in any given half an hour.
The quality ratio is about the same with albums. You buy a CD and get one or two good numbers. I can't see that changing.