The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #96875   Message #1909773
Posted By: GUEST
14-Dec-06 - 06:45 PM
Thread Name: Rock 'n' Reel Magazine Re-Launch
Subject: RE: Rock 'n' Reel Magazine Re-Launch
You can buy it online too: (click on the graphic at the bottom of the page, some people couldn't find that). That includes taking out a subscription, which I've done, for a year (6 issues) or just one copy.

There were some problems with the online oredering system, but I expect that's been sorted by now. My copy arrived today anyway.

I'm just listening to the 5 CDs than come with the first issue. 6 in fact, as one of them's a double. I haven't even read the mag yet. Yes Greg, there's a nice review of Trip to the Lakes!
