The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #18972   Message #190990
Posted By: Escamillo
07-Mar-00 - 03:25 AM
Thread Name: BS: Share Your Peak Musical Experiences?
Subject: RE: BS: Share Your Peak Musical Experiences?
Once I was singing "Sometimes I Feel Like a Motherless Child", this time my mother (76 then) was among the audience. She was motherless, and she is in the age when one may expect that the long and lonely trip approaches. There were a couple of seconds I felt a strange thing in my throat and I couldn't sing. Recovered, I continued very emotionally affected, and afraid that the performance was ruined. To my surprise that was the warmest and loudest applause I received, though nobody knew the reason for my "flaw".
I'm happy to find people who like to share emotions more than listening to vocal perfection.
Un abrazo - Andrés