The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #97176   Message #1910442
Posted By: Den
15-Dec-06 - 02:40 PM
Thread Name: BS: Soldiers Convicted of Crimes in NI
Subject: RE: BS: Soldiers Convicted of Crimes in NI
Bullshit Dave your fooling noone. I know exactly how you meant to use that word and don't try turning this around on me. I don't need to get a life as you suggest. I have a good one already.

Giok, so let me get this straight anyone starting a thread in order to represent N. Ireland, nationalists or the IRA in a negative way is a poster but anyone who starts a thread to acknowledge some of the dirty dealings of the British army is a troll. I started this thread to acknowledge that the Government had admitted to British soldiers acting outside the law in a pretty serious way. Robbery, rape, murder. They're pretty serious accusations. I see this as a start. There is plenty more to come I'm sure. The people in Derry have been waiting for over 30 years.