The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #25776   Message #1911376
Posted By: Michael in Swansea
16-Dec-06 - 07:35 PM
Thread Name: Advice Please? - use of offensive words in songs
Subject: RE: Advice Please?
Hiyah all,
I've brought this back because we're releasing a new cd, (those who don't know me, I sing with Baggyrinkle Swansea Shantymen), anyway I've sung "Leefore Brace" with the double "Dago" many times, in singarounds, since I first posted this question and have always said that this song contains the word "dago" and that if anyone thinks that the word is derogatory, in the song, to speak to me afterwards. No-one has.
The other Baggies think it a good song. My question now is - do YOU think should it be included on the cd, with double "dago"? I have until about Jan 5th to decide. If the general concencus of opinion is no the I shall request its removal.
Reason for asking is that our first recording contained the "N" word, which is unacceptable under any circumstances, and have since mourned the fact
If I call someone a "f*****g dago" then that's an insult, but if I sing about "Dago Pete" is that an insult to Pete?
Those of you who have heard Danny sing it, do you think he's insulting anyone? The way he does it is more like a prayer.
I will be interested in your replies, and please don't repeat anything that's been said before.
Bed now,