The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #97176   Message #1911798
Posted By: Teribus
17-Dec-06 - 11:20 AM
Thread Name: BS: Soldiers Convicted of Crimes in NI
Subject: RE: BS: Soldiers Convicted of Crimes in NI
GUEST,sorefingers, another "Plastic Paddy"??

You're right, I don't know anything about the British Illegal occupation of Ireland. Because there is nothing illegal about the fact that Northern Ireland forms part of the United Kingdom. All surveys and polls seem to indicate that between 62 and 69% of the population of Northern Ireland wish it to remain so.

So I am a "Canadian Orangie", whatever that is. Sorry but you are wrong on both counts (Nationality and political/religious affiliation).

"*R*E*P*U*B*L*I*C*A*N* America fought and won sereral wars against Loyalist British forces. Doncha know any history?"

Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha.

Now let's see Revolutionary War, where it was basically Brits fighting Brits, basically lost through complete and utter lack of interest - we did have a very good discussion about this war on another thread.

War of 1812, when the United States of America allied itself with Napoleonic France, The French lost the Napoleonic Wars, the Forces of the United States of America did not succeed in "liberating" Canada, basically because the Canadians did not want liberating. Looking at things from the perspective of the US the war at best could be described as a draw.

The Fennian Rebellion of 1866 or 1869. No this is one that Hollywood really should make a film about, it would make the best comedy ever. This crowd of complete incompetents couldn't even organise a bottle party in a brewery. This was one you said you'd won? Hells teeth they couldn't even find Canada, let alone invade it.

When have the US and UK fought apart from on those three occasions? Or does that what "sereral" means - three.

"Yer monarch is STILL a joke to us." Well according to most from the UK who post on this Forum, apparently not half the joke your President or your electoral system is to them.

Oh and this next bit is as priceless as it is typical:
"And ex British Army thugs come out here where they think nobody knows them. But guess what? WE KNOW WHO THEY ARE AND WHERE THEY ARE. Lets leave it at that. But if ya wanna slug it out, we'd be glad to oblige."

The threat "But guess what? we know who they are and where they are" I wondered where I'd heard that before and guess what it was something I read with regard to Jean McConville:

"Jim Cusick wrote that years after Jean's disappearance when the eldest girl began, with her husband, to find out what had happened to her mother, some individuals in Sinn Fein were less than helpful:

Sinn Fein figures tried on several occasions to try and block the McKendrys, continuing to threaten Seamus and Helen. The couple and their children were forced to flee their home in Poleglass because of threats. They moved to a mixed area in south Co Down but the threats continued.

The publicity given to the cases of the 'disappeared' meant that the McKendrys continued to be given some support. A couple of months after being forced out of west Belfast, the couple were invited to a reception at the American consulate in Belfast. A Sinn Fein guest at the party came over to Seamus and pointedly asked how Seamus's father was getting on and mentioned that he lived at Crossgar in Co Down. He then said to Seamus that he knew that he and Helen were living not too far away, either.

"It was just to tell us THAT THEY KNEW WHERE WE WERE and to shut up," said Seamus, who ignored the threat."

How pathetic, threats may impress you sorefingers, my reaction to them would be to advise whoever comes to come loaded for bear, neither the Scots, or the English, have ever been susceptible to threats, or cowed by them, particularly when they are uttered by morally bankrupt, contemptible scum.