The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #97151   Message #1912322
Posted By: Barry Finn
17-Dec-06 - 11:56 PM
Thread Name: Dec. Shanty/Seasonal Song Session (NH)
Subject: RE: Dec. Shanty/Seasonal Song Session (NH)
So that's what they do to folk singers these days. That's what I do to lobsters,,,,,,before eating them.

Sorry about the ice Deb, maybe next time you can demonstrate your water walking skills down by the riverside.

It was a very nice session, lots of interesting songs & lots of interesting people. Folks baring gifts, folks baring arms I even thought I saw some folks baring breasts but maybe that was the kitchen cook paying off her delivery tab for her called in supper. The cook orders out & blasts the radio, time for her to cash in on her chips & toss her to the fishes.
The cook's the one that starts banging plates when you ask to turn down the kitchen music.

Mary, whats the date for your next concert, Deb Cowen, you say?

Nice to see the Dorymates again (isn't it 2 mates per dory?). Peter what did the tropper stop you for in the first place or were you walking the street with the tomahawk in your hand? An axe is a tool, what you got there is a 2 1/2' long weapon used to cut flesh & bone not wood & that thing can be tossed too. And yes you can sing whatever you want & whenever too, as long as you got that thing in your hand you can whistle "Dixie" for all I care.
