The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #97176   Message #1912526
Posted By: ard mhacha
18-Dec-06 - 08:05 AM
Thread Name: BS: Soldiers Convicted of Crimes in NI
Subject: RE: BS: Soldiers Convicted of Crimes in NI
I spend a very enjoyable sporting week-end and come back to see the spite and hate still being peddled by our fair-minded British friends, you may continue to glorify your colonial past, but if an Irish person gives the facts of British occupation in Ireland he is deemed a liar.

A recent independent report drew attention to collusion between loyalists terrorists and sections of the RUC and UDR 1972-77.

This pattern was also clear on a large scale throughout the 1980s and 1990s as well.
Loyalist paramilitary groups had worked their way into the the security nexus, and it was this covert arm which gave them such clout.

Many Catholics died at RUC/UDR/Army linked UVF/UDA hands for what they symbolised, rather than for any political actions.
They were killed because they were Catholic, neither age, gender nor innocence saved them.

The British government, including Special Branch and MI5, knew of these plots and could have prevented them but chose to remain silent.

Nationalists have every reason to be outraged by the secrecy preventing investigation of crimes, such as collusion and mass murder.

In a democracy it would be unthinkable for government or police to withhold information, but in N Ireland files have been concealed or destroyed,thus hindering investigations into countless murders of nationalists.

Crying out for for justice to a heedless colonial administration is useless, what is needed is an international inquiry into the whole festering issue of collusion between loyalist terrorists and the British security forces.

The important point is that the Briti government in charge of affairs here in the north of Ireland have been in league from day one with Protestant paramilitaries and no amount of twisted waffle from our band of Brits will change this.