The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #97013   Message #1912532
Posted By: Jerry Rasmussen
18-Dec-06 - 08:14 AM
Thread Name: Definitive Versions
Subject: RE: Definitive Versions
Hey, Tootler:

Yeah, I agree with Scrump, too. I, and others have acknowledged that I am not using "definitive" in the strict dictionary definition. Of course, I could have titled the thread "Songs that I personally think are the best versions that I in my limited experience prefer the most of all the ones I've heard, although I am certainly not implying that they are definitive in any objective way."

I think that's more than 25 words.

Now that we are all in agreement that the word definitive is being used only in a "definitive for me," but not in the dictionary definition (I have a dictionary, too) Howzabout a recording or version in the spirit of the thread? I've really enjoyed reading the response of so many Catters. They brought back good recordings I hadn't thought about recently, and raised my curiosity about others.
That's why I started the thread.

Thanks for all the responses..
