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Thread #33288   Message #1913158
Posted By: GUEST
18-Dec-06 - 08:11 PM
Thread Name: Timothy McVeigh
Subject: RE: Timothy McVeigh
Only thread with "Timothy McVeigh" in it, so I guess this goes here. Tim McVeigh

My name is Bill Bean I work in the film industry. I have information relevant to the Oklahoma City bombing. I did not approach anyone at the time of the trial because I did not understand the relevance of what I had. I am submitting this to Congressman Rohrabacher's office because of his stated interest in having hearings about what actually happened.

On August 3, 1993 I was given a tour of Camp Grafton North Dakota. Camp Grafton is a military training academy for National Guard and army reserve personnel....

First) this is Timothy McVeigh; there is no question about that. Videotaped from two feet away, every feature down to his crooked teeth is clearly evident. Concerning his teeth, his two front teeth, central incisors, are straight, those on either side, the lateral incisors, slant in. This tape was shown to a dentist who said, "This is as unique as a fingerprint!"

Second) A voice analysis was done on the soldier in the tank. His voice was compared to the known voice of Timothy McVeigh, taken from a 60 Minutes interview. It is an exact match. Various electronic and human tests were conducted to reach this conclusion....

...After May of 1992 he was never again in uniform on any base anywhere, never again part of the military....

So it appears the govt lied about McVeigh's military service. The puny little fertilizer bomb created a crater in front of the Murrah bldg in Oklahoma City. The bldg was blown outwards, more bombs were found inside, undetonated bombs. Immediately after the blast, congress passed Clinton's Omnibus anti-terrorism bill, which had failed to pass the first time around. Government-sponsored terrorism works. McVeigh was handling munitions for the military a year after he was "discharged." Video evidence. Amazing.