The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #97395   Message #1916488
Posted By: The Shambles
22-Dec-06 - 05:09 AM
Thread Name: BS: The earth closet - the future? (closed)
Subject: RE: BS: The earth closet - the future?
No one is 'encouraging' anyone to do any such thing.

Oh No?

The latest example.

Shamby-Pamby what is your problem man? Every swingin' dick in the joint has prettty much told you to get bent but you can't take "Fuck You" for an answer! Let me repeat for your benefit.....FUCK YOU!.....and the horse you rode in on. Matter of fact, you need to notice that your horse was killed by the last windmill you failed to topple but a broke-dick fanook like yourself probably beats animals. Matter of fact we DID see that from you before didn't we? Why not drop this sillyass vendetta against Max? You DO relaize that it is Max you're attacking here don't you? Probably not.....what a fuckin' mook............


Subject: RE: BS: Closed threads & deleted posts.
From: The Shambles - PM
Date: 08 Dec 06 - 02:04 PM

Well, I used to give you equal treatment, Shambles - but you kept badgering me about that being repressive censorship.
So, you got what you asked for. Catspaw can say what he likes about you, until such time as you stop your incessant campaign against the way we do things here. You are not a nice person, Shambles. Do not expect to be treated nicely.

But you know how it is...threads are often subject to 'creep', and what happens depends on context.

As you are perfectly aware and as demonstrated - this particular 'creep' is a quite intentional attempt now seen to be encouraged by our 'moderators' to encourage other posters that they have some right to prevent other posters from posting their views and to indulge in online group bullying in an (obviously futile) attempt to drive posters away.


Is the problem of club root simply one of brassicas needing a lighter touch - rather than any real problem with rotted human waste as fertiliser?