The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #97446   Message #1917395
Posted By: kendall
23-Dec-06 - 08:53 AM
Thread Name: BS: Creeping gas prices
Subject: BS: Creeping gas prices
Well folks, I'm sure you have noticed. Gas prices after the election are on the way up again. This morning in Scarborough Maine the price at the Mobil station is $2.47 per gallon. While I don't buy Mobil or Exxon, I'm sure the others will follow.

Now, I realize that we have had a free ride all these years with the cheapest gas in the world outside of the middle east, but it bugs me to know that the oid barons are raking in obscene profits while so many of us are trying to conserve. In the end it will do little good to cut back on consumption...look at the UK; they all drive those things that look like toasters on wheels and still they pay the equivelent of $7.00 per gallon. At least over there, the money goes into something besides lining the pockets of those thieves who have been given a license to steal in this country!