The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #97446   Message #1917610
Posted By: pdq
23-Dec-06 - 03:18 PM
Thread Name: BS: Creeping gas prices
Subject: RE: BS: Creeping gas prices
The last time I bought gas (=petrol, US $, US Gallons) it cost $2.32.

Here is a rough breakdown of the price:

1) crude oil cost / one gallon / $60 per barrel                                        $1.15

2) profit for "Big Oil" company                                                          .19

3) profit for "gas station" (=retail outlet)(usually 10-15ยข)                .15

4) taxes, mostly Federal (US government)                                    .55

5) all expenses incurred by "Big Oil" including refining             .28
      costs, transportation, etc.                                                    ________
