The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #97446   Message #1918273
Posted By: Little Hawk
24-Dec-06 - 03:03 PM
Thread Name: BS: Creeping gas prices
Subject: RE: BS: Creeping gas prices
Exactly. Kendall, I don't mind paying taxes. Taxes come on a regular schedule, in manageable amounts, and people can handle that if they are capable of managing their money half-reasonably and planning ahead. It doesn't knock them flat on their ass the way a $150,000 medical bill does in the middle of a family crisis.

In any case, I am not aware that Canadian taxes are extraordinarily high for a western democracy. I think they're fairly typical.

USA taxes may be a bit lower....but I'd be surprised if they are much lower, because you have the world's biggest annual military expenditures to fund, don't forget. ;-) Bigger than all the other nations in the world combined, in fact.

Just like the Roman Empire in its glory days.