The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #97446   Message #1918327
Posted By: Barry Finn
24-Dec-06 - 04:32 PM
Thread Name: BS: Creeping gas prices
Subject: RE: BS: Creeping gas prices
Here in the US the price should steadly increase untill it reaches where it was before the elections & then some. Strange how those predictions became fact.

Does anyone think that the government is at all concerned with the rate of gas consumption or the price? Cause you can moan & whine all you want, it'll just fall on deaf ears.

I went to buy a new car & started looking for what was best on gas & for what I'd like to have. Not much to chose from. We ended up getting a Prius (Toyota). We wanted something a little bit larger but no chance. It gets 45 on the highway & maybe 60 mpg in the city (not sure yet on the city). What troubled me was only 1 car got better than 50 mpg (Honda), only 1 got better than 40 & only a few better than 30. The incentives are still way to low on buying a hybrid or for gas use reduction in general except for putting a high price on it and the present product line is an insult to enviormentally concernded consumer. The present formular for tax credits (for Hybrids) reduce the more cars a manufacture sells & there (at least at present) seems to be no credit for next year, no credit at all for buying one used. Cal seems to be the only state that I've heard of where the state also offers a credit & a few states allow hybrids to travel in POV lanes with only one person & Cal also gives a break on some of the tolls. So in general the government instead of creating a market that's enviormentally friendly is going in the opposite direction. But doesn't that figure. This bedtime relationship between auto manufacturers, oil companies & government is costing he rest of us big time.
