The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #97241   Message #1918362
Posted By: Fidjit
24-Dec-06 - 05:29 PM
Thread Name: efdss dances at Sharp House
Subject: RE: efdss dances at Sharp House
Dancing at the house.
So whats wrong or untraditional about Ballroom Dancing? My mum did the Valetta at the, Tottenham Royal, as it was known as then, when I was four years old. I also remember that there were American Square dances at the house too in the fiffties. Now if American Square dances get in then so does Ballroom dancing. Come on we've had everything else there. Irish Step, Sufolk tap, Morris, Molly, Rapper, Sword, English Country, you name it. Bring on Bruce Forsyth.
Now there's a tradittion.

Enjoy it.
