The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #97241   Message #1918804
Posted By: oggie
25-Dec-06 - 04:07 PM
Thread Name: efdss dances at Sharp House
Subject: RE: efdss dances at Sharp House
In the past few months this forum has knocked (in no particular order) -

Mike Harding, Folk Awards etc
Peter Kennedy
Ewan MacColl
to name but a few.

Why? and why can't we seem to get on with making and sharing our love of this music (whatever it may be, that's another set of rants) and concentrate on spreading and keeping that enthusiasm and knowledge base alive and vital. I come and go in this forum and every so often I feel that 'if that's what it's come to I'll go and watch our local council bicker instead'.

All the best (and season's greetings)

Steve Ogden