The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #97561   Message #1920969
Posted By: CapriUni
28-Dec-06 - 09:13 PM
Thread Name: Elizabethian thoughts on 'Tunability' ?
Subject: RE: Elizabethian thoughts on 'Tunability' ?
Malcolm Douglas: Yes, Shakespeare was quite adept in shifting the meanings of words in a few lines, and he reveled in doing so (that's one reason I'm such a big fan). And that's part of my question, too. Is this exchange simply an example of Shakespeare being Shakespeare, or was he expressing a common attitude held by members of his audience?

McGrath of Harlow: indeed. And if someone singing the song comes to a note that is just out of reach tries too hard to sing it, it only makes it worse. Better, I think, when you come to certain lines, if that's the case for you, to drop into a set of "talking blues" until you find yourself back in comfortable range (in my not-so-humble-opinion).