The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #18972   Message #192193
Posted By: wysiwyg
08-Mar-00 - 08:46 PM
Thread Name: BS: Share Your Peak Musical Experiences?
Subject: RE: BS: Share Your Peak Musical Experiences?

[thread creeping..]

[hey I started this thread, deal with it!]

When this event occurs, think of a young man SO like yourself, my stepson.

This happened when Mike was about 2. I wasn't part of the family then, but I have heard this story many times, and it's never old.

In our denomination, kids receive when they are able to form the intention to receive what they are able to understand as a sacrament. Usually about 3 - 5 years old, or even later. Well, Mike would always come to the altar rail with everyone else, and receive a blessing, as is the custom, instead of the Sacrament. The story goes that this one Sunday, as his dad (the priest) blessed and then turned to pass on to the next communicant, up piped this thin but VERY LOUD protest, "But I NEED the Body of Christ!!" His time had come, and he received his first communion immediately with smiles all around.

You go for it like that, dear friend. I wish we could be there.