The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #47133   Message #1921955
Posted By: GUEST,JTT
30-Dec-06 - 03:53 AM
Thread Name: Whatever Happened to William Zantzinger?Obit1-09
Subject: RE: Whatever Happened to William Zantzinger?
I read the piece suggested by vag,

but honestly, all those people saying "he's such a nice man" and "he gives people a place to live when no one else will" and "he isn't prejudiced, he drinks with black folks" sound exactly like anyone describing any exploiter.

Renting substandard housing that you don't own for high rents to desperate people, and doing no maintenance, is not a charitable act.

Having a pleasant, easy manner doesn't make one a nice man.

And drinking with people doesn't make you their friend.