The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #19024   Message #192258
Posted By: catspaw49
08-Mar-00 - 09:52 PM
Thread Name: BS: I don't know what to say
Subject: RE: BS: I don't know what to say
As a foster parent of over 30 kids, I got a few comments, but another diatribe won't change the world.

Almost every child we have had in care suffered from something that only within the past ten years have we recognized, and yet it accounts for the behaviors and problems associated with many children and virtually all those in alternate placement. Now I hate tags as much as the next guy, and I really hate the "syndrome" thing......but folks, this one is real, documented, proven, and epidemic. Its called "Attachment Disorder." When a child, especially as an infant, does not get the response needed to his demands for basic needs, he looks elsewhere. Given a prolonged period of inattention, the infant develops the ability to get what he needs from himself. Sound nuts? Its not. The behaviors manifested later in the child's life have little to do with being stand-offish as you might expect. Indeed, as youngsters of 4-12 they are the most adorable, huggy, lovey, smiling, friendly, outgoing, and seemingly sweet children you would ever want to meet......right up to the point they kill your dog, beat up an infant, or set fire to your house.

If almost all of the kids we've had in care had been placed for immediate adoption (...and the adoptive process wasn't an expensive and hoop dancing contest for prospective parents...that's another story) they would ALL have been better off, including my son Michael. He exhibits certain signs, even though he came to us at 9 months of age. For him, its more a failure to thrive situation and it has delayed him in school although he's socially and artistically greatly beyond other kids his age.

Lot of things need to change folks....but in the meantime, what do we do with the kids?
