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Thread #97623   Message #1923050
Posted By: Azizi
31-Dec-06 - 08:18 AM
Thread Name: BS: Posting with Civility
Subject: RE: BS: Posting with Civility
Posting with Civility-A DailyKos Selected Comment Collage #1

"Something has been fishy around here over the pasy month or so, and I couldn't figure it out. Sure we've had our piefights, but the character attacks are new.
I chose to give no reply. I won't give viability to attacks by continuing them"...
by nhcollegedem on Sat Dec 30, 2006


"What bothers me is why people who should know better would let things like you pointed out bother them.

It's not just on DKos. You participate in any forum, you experct that there will be all shades of characters in there. It's par for the course. Not everyone will be decent.

Same thing goes even in real life. I listen to eff-laden conversation in corporate settings all the time, so it's easier to read discourteous, anonymous online "conversation" with equanimity.

So, why let it bother you?

Compulsively Combative"
by akogun on Sat Dec 30, 2006


"But isn't there a point where repeating your opinion (however well informed you may think it is) becomes counterproductive. It is not a cop out to say we agree to disagree and move on. The only thing accomplished by banging home the same thing repeatedly to people who disagree with you is a shitstorm of negative feelings which devolve into the need for this diary."
by jah4168 on Sat Dec 30, 2006


"The problem is that there's no real penalty for attacking the person rather than the problem.

I've recommended adding a way to filter out commentors that you don't like, which would at least allow people to tune out the worst offenders. If they couldn't be certain that their personal attacks were even being seen by the person they aimed them at, then it would remove some of the incentive to get personal".
by Liberal Thinking on Sat Dec 30, 2006


"People are people, and get emotionally attached to things that don't warrant taht. We all do it, and that emotion clouds our reason. I see this brought up in one way or another, but one thing is consistant, the finger of implication of disrespect is always pointed at those who are on the other side of the issue from the accuser. I'll take it seriously when I see somebody point the finger at someone that agrees with them".
by ActivistGuy on Sat Dec 30, 2006


"The ability to persuade through communication is an art form. It requires the ability to listen, hear, and respond in such a way that each person understands that his/her thoughts and ideas are respected and heard, not used solely to expose any weakness, no matter how minor, along with the accompanying insult or putdown.

As we speed to the 2008 nomination, intolerance is likely to become worse. I foresee that it may spiral out of control. If so, Dkos will become a place that's useless to those who wish to learn about current issues and engage in discussions.

This is not about being oversensitive in the face of criticism. It's about who we are, as exemplified by our words and actions".
by citizen53 on Sat Dec 30, 2006


"You had better add civility to standards and facts if you want to avoid continued degradation of the level of discusion on this board.

Questioning peoples integrity without supporting evidence is out of line but so is calling them an "idiot" in response to a post with which you disagree."
by Sam I Am on Sat Dec 30, 2006


"I was taken aback the other day...when someone said that the logic of Godel only applies to mathematics. I believe it to be symptomatic of something deeply wrong here: disrespect for intellectual discussion and consensus building in favor of dogmatic hardliners"
by rserven on Sat Dec 30, 2006


"I'm shocked! Or I would be if I had a clue about the subject"
by Big Tent Democrat


"I think there's a LOT of middle ground between civility and being a smarmy kumbaya love fest. Politeness is the lubricant for the engine of discussion and disagreement.
by lizah on Sun Dec 31, 2006