The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #19013   Message #192354
Posted By: Escamillo
09-Mar-00 - 03:04 AM
Thread Name: Lyr Req: Mama, italian words, phonetically
Subject: Lyr Add: MAMMA (Italian w/phonetic pronunciation)
Ha Haaa !! Callie, no, it's the beard - I've shaved mine. And I'm younger ! :))

I could not find my old copy of Mamma, navigated an hour through websites and nothing.. Could you please post the Italian words ? I retrieved this from my SAM (Seldom-Access Memory):
Mamma, son tanto felice
-- Mamma, sohn tan toh feh lee cheh
per che ritorno da te,
-- pehr keh ree tohr no dah teh
la mia canzone ti dice
-- lah meeah kahn tsoh neh tee dee cheh
che il mio bel giorno e per te.
-- keh ill meeoh bel johr noh eh pehr teh
Mamma, son tanto felice,
-- Mamma, sohn tan toh feh lee chech
viver lontano, per che ?
-- vee vehr lohn tah noh pehr keh ?

Mamma, solo per te la mia canzone vola..
-- Mamma, soh loh pehr teh lah meeah kahn tsoh neh vohla
Mamma, sarai con me, tu non sarai piu sola
-- Mamma, sah ry kohn meh, too non sah ry pew soh lah
Quanto ti voglio bene, questa canzone d'amore
-- Quan toh tee voh leeoh behneh, queh stah kahn tsoh neh dah mohreh
que ti sospira il mio core, forse non s'usano piu !
-- keh tee sospeerah ill meeoh cohreh, fohr seh non soosahnoh pew !
Mamma ! Ma la canzone mai piu bella sei tu !
--Mamma ! Mah lah kahn tsoh neh my pew bell-ah say too !
Sei tu la vita, e per la vita non ti lascio mai piu
-- Say too lah vee tah, eh pehr lah veetah non tee lah-shoh my pew !

There's a second part somewhere, I hope Mbo can post it.
NOTES: pronounce all vowels followed by "h" as frankly open as you can, for example:
All AHs as in "bad"
All EHs as in "red"
All EEs as in "green"
All OHs as in "old"
All OOs as in "good"
Those words similar to English should sound as in English, for example "pew", "say", "ry", etc.
I'll be back as soon as we got the second part.
Ci vediamo (see you soon) - Andrés